Did your friend said something about the "sexy makeup"? Did it happened at the casino scene or at her house?
it’s for 6x01
Can you please say more about Amira's story? How is she involved with Chuck?
there’s a specific detail i’m leaving out, but i can’t really say. all i’m saying is that it isn’t 100% chuck. technically.. idk how to put it really.
Does it seem like this Barry guy is here to stay or is he just a temporary distraction for Serena? Because I really want some Serenate haha
from what i heard he’s here to stay, at least for the while.
Pleeasee give us some hints on the Amira thing? Does she like Chuck or have her and Chuck banged in the past? xo
lol, i can’t say sorry. this is the thing i said i couldn’t talk about.
Thank you for taking the time to answer all of these questionsYour replies to Dairlusionals especially crack me up haha. So basically Lily chose to be married to Bart so she could secretly help Chuck? Does anyone know of her plans?
yes, she’s helping chuck behind bart’s back, and it has to do with something.. which sort of led her to this decision and not solemnly to help chuck, which is obviously another reason.
So this Amira character is quite central in s6: 1) she doesn't like Serena for some reason 2) tries to break up Serena's new relationship 3) holds Blair & Chuck to ransom over their 'secret' relationship 4) has some other connection to Bart/Chuck/Lily. Can't wait to see what unfolds in October.
it’s going to be bat shit crazy, like, so much.
thank you for answering all those questions! i want to ask if you know that if Dorota also knows about CB? she would know i assume. also what would Amira have against Serena or Steven i don't get...i also love Monkey (Chuck's dog) I hope they didn't get rid off that cuteness <3 Thanks again
lol chuck has a dog named monkey? LOOL. (referencing the books I see) anyways.. i’m not sure if dorota knows, but she probably does, considering. can’t really say anything about amira. sorry & you’re welcome.
Is the spoiler about Amira/Chuck/Bart/Lily that you can't tell us the same as this-time-im-all-in's? She said she heard something really shocking about Amira when she was on set
yep, it’s the same exact thing.
Is Dan after Chuck? or all of them? (maybe not N but CBS)
after serena.
su Nate: all i know is that he has a say in helping chuck get the company back, with blair. and he knows about them. idk if he tells anyone thoughSource 1-2
Dan e Serena:
he’s chasing after her, to try and break up her and her boyfriend, but for different reasons. Don’t know if it’s feelings necessarily. More to get back at her boyfriend or to protect her from him.
Dair: le dicono che loro credono ancora in tutto.. e lei risponde
I guess they did. But that arc is LONG gone. Or so I’ve heard.
-dice che da che ne sa lei non hanno nemmeno interazioni nel primo episodio
Chair: dice che non ha sentito di nessun matrimonio fatto o da farsi
-riconferma che Amira li sgama assieme
Non sa nulla dei Serenate o di Rufus
-you’ll know that they’re together at the beginning because of the flashbacks.
-lily doesn’t know about CB relationship. chuck thinks she’s on bart’s side.
-they’re just together, not married, from what i heard.
-don’t know anything about jack bass appearing on 6x01 - 6x02. don’t think so though.
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